Lockdown Coding & Business Lessons

While many children are off school and many adults off work, I am offering discount coding and business lessons via Zoom.

The format is, you think of a business idea and I help you write the website code to get the idea online. During the process we discuss coding basics of HTML and CSS plus the key pillars of business from market research to digital marketing.

Children – £/€15 per hour

I have started doing this with my nieces (14 & 9 years old) and nephew (6 years old) who have taken to it extremely well. They quickly start creating their own code and have produced a ‘flower art’ website, a ‘badger track’ website and a ‘swap it or bin it’ website. Think of it as a modern-day lemonade stand!

Adults – £/€30 per hour

If you don’t want to get over-taken by the younger generation, adults can take up my lessons too. It can be purely an exercise in coding or the beginnings of fully implementing your business idea. The beauty of setting up your business online is the barrier to entry is extremely low, hosting a website is than £/€50 a year. The economy is likely to shift considerably, if you have an idea then now is the time to try it out.

How it works

1. I use a shared workspace via SynFiddle where we start with a basic web page and go through each section of code. Covering HTML (the content), CSS (colours, design & layout) as well as general coding practices like classes and norms. For adults, we can also discuss WordPress, PHP and Javascript.

sync fiddle screenshot

2. With a call on Zoom , we have the option to share screens if we hit any bumps and use face-to-face video.

3. As we go through each hourly lesson, we add different elements of the business from its name, description and images. Styling each section as we progress. Discussing and learning each of the coding practices, tags and formats to build it.

4. Roughly five lessons will be enough to go through the basics and have a website to show for your efforts.

My history

I have spent only a very small part of my life working in a traditional job role. The rest has been building my own businesses or working freelance helping other’s develop theirs. I started off in 2008 with a record label and have since helped all types of businesses from luxury canal barges to casting directors. Whilst I have a BSc degree, much of the traditional education system sadly overlook the benefits and skills you learn starting and running your own online business, at any age, so give it a try!

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